About Dr. Rand L Redfern

Dr. Rand L Redfern, DDS

Dr. Rand L Redfern, DDS

Dr. Redfern is a 1974 graduate of the University of Nebraska School of Dentistry. He received specialized training in the U.S. Air Force in the treatment of headache and TMJ pain. Dr. Redfern has specialized in this area of treatment for over 32 years. Dr. Redfern has lectured and taught in the treatment of TMD or temporomandibular disorders. He has testified in major lawsuits involving patient injury from the use of Bisphosphonate (osteoporosis prevention) medications.

In 1997 and 1998, Dr. Redfern received fellowship training at the University of Texas in malliofacial radiology and orofacial pain. During this training, he worked with leading maxillofacial radiologists in the U.S.  He is now doing research in radiology and orofacial pain in conjunction with the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas.

Dr Redfern is the first to report the possible association of the bisphosphonate medications (used to treat osteoporosis) and osteonecrosis involving the temporomandibular joints. Some refer to this as Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis or Bisphosphonate Induced Osteonecrosis of the jaws. Hip fractures can be fatal and bisphosphonates reportedly prevent tens of thousands of fractures annually; therefore osteoporosis and other maladies call for the use of bisphosphonate medications.

Methods are needed to predict and prevent the possible serious effects on all areas of the jaws, apparently caused by these oral and intravenous medications. Dr Redfern advocates proper advanced imaging techniques, including CBCT scans and MRI for diagnosis, while the effect of the bisphosphonates is still in STAGE 0. He also recommends properly made oral appliances (splints, mouth-guards, occlusal guards, TMJ or TMD appliances) designed to reduce loads and stresses on the teeth, mandible, maxilla and both sides of the temporomandibular joints (condyles of the mandible and glenoid fossae of the temporal bones). He does not recommend soft appliances, which can actually increase the psi on the joints. Dr. Redfern recently presented his new findings related to osteonecrosis of the jaw at the International Academy of Gnathology in San Antonio, Texas. His findings are summarized on the Presentations page.

After over 40 years in practice, Dr. Redfern retired effective August 24, 2022. See information at bottom of page for more information.