Non-Opioid Treatment for Chronic Headaches, Migraines, Trigeminal Neuralgia and Pain in the Jaw, Face, Neck or Head
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic or frequent headaches, "migraines" or pain in the face, neck, ears, jaw and behind the eyes. Many have given up hope that help may be available. For many, the pain is so frequent and severe, they are unable to work or they and their families can no longer enjoy normal lives. Many have had pain for years, even decades, for no apparent reason, and have had no satisfactory diagnosis or treatment. Others may have been accident or trauma victims and are still suffering. After years of unsuccessful treatments and therapy, many have resigned themselves to lives of unnecessary pain, isolation and reliance on powerful medications, such as opiods or gabapentins.
These are the ,types of patients Dr. Redfern has been seeing for over twenty-five years. The patient's physicians may have ruled out other medical causes, but usually have not tested to rule out possible contributions from problems involving the jaws and affiliated muscles, bones, nerves, joints, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, etc. This is a very active, compact, important area of our bodies. The lower jaw is the largest moving part of our head and is involved in most all of our activities. It seldom gets rest for more than a few seconds at a time, even when we sleep.
When we have pain or anxiety, many times we subconsciously overuse our jaw, face and neck muscles. We tend to grind or clench our teeth. This can aggravate or be aggravated by other injuries, anxieties, diseases or treatments. This is why it is important to have this area checked closely. Headache, neck ache or pain, pain behind the eyes, dizziness, inability to "pop or "equalize" the ears, difficulty in swallowing, locking and or painful jaw joints, areas of dental pain or sensation, sharp or boring facial pain and worn, breaking or moving teeth, may be signs or symptoms that can be relieved.
Initial Evaluation
Example of Cone Beam CT scan
You will begin your Initial Evaluation by providing Dr. Redfern with your medical history and a detailed description of your symptoms. This information is confidential and is needed by Dr. Redfern before a diagnostic opinion or treatment plan can be developed. You will then meet with Dr. Redfern who will perform a clinical examination and discuss your case with you. Dr. Redfern may recommend a CAT scan to provide additional information he needs to complete your evaluation.
After the examination, Dr. Redfern will discuss his diagnosis and determine if further evaluation and treatment are likely to benefit the patient. Once made aware of the diagnosis, most patients will understand how their condition may be contributing to their symptoms. If Dr. Redfern and the patient decide to proceed, there is generally a good to excellent likelihood that treatment will provide relief and help the patient better manage their pain or other related conditions.
Some of the Conditions Treated by Dr. Redfern:
PCOS - Jaw related complications of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - under construction
TGN - Jaw related complications of Trigeminal Neuralgia - under construction
ETD - Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (plugged ear feeling), Tinnitus and Ear Pain - under construction
Second Opinion on Implant Planning or any other planned treatment